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5 Ultimate Bathroom Cleaning Hacks To Save Your Time And Efforts

Well, a clean bathroom makes you feel home, not a luxurious drawing room. Cleaning the bathroom is a challenging and tiresome task. It is one of the most underrated jobs from the daily chore. Yet the necessity of cleaning the […]

Well, a clean bathroom makes you feel home, not a luxurious drawing room.

Cleaning the bathroom is a challenging and tiresome task. It is one of the most underrated jobs from the daily chore. Yet the necessity of cleaning the bathroom is on top of everything. 

Here are some ultimate bathroom cleaning hacks to save your time and efforts:

Remove the stubborn stains with sanitizer 

Remove The Stubborn Stains With Sanitizer
Remove The Stubborn Stains With Sanitizer

This is a method in which you can use a sanitizer to remove any stains on the floor and basin in your bathroom. Any type of sanitizer has a high alcohol content, alcohol is used to remove stains. 

Sanitizer allows you to remove old stains in your bathroom which are very stubborn. It works, more or less, like a thinner. 

Clean the oily bathroom tiles with shampoo

Clean The Oily Bathroom Tiles With Shampoo
Clean The Oily Bathroom Tiles With Shampoo

If the tiles in your bathroom are oily, the main danger is that you may fall off and move on to the fracture. The shampoo is generally made by combining a surfactant, most often sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium Laureth sulfate, with a co-surfactant. 

Due to this chemical element in the shampoo, its ability to dissolve oil is also high. So with shampoo you can make your bathroom tiles oil-free.

Use vinegar and soda to make the bathroom tiles look whiter

Here’s a procedure: Mix half a cup of soda, 3 teaspoons of vinegar, and half a cup of water, and fill it in a spray bottle. 

Spray it and wipe your bathroom tiles clean. You will notice the tiles are cleaner and have a mirror-like finish. 

Use shaving cream to clean the mirror stains.

Use Shaving Cream To Clean The Mirror Stains
Use Shaving Cream To Clean The Mirror Stains

You definitely feel better when you take a shower but there is a fear that fog and stains will appear on your mirror which will make you a little annoyed. 

If you apply shaving cream on the mirror immediately, your mirror will be unbelievably clean.

Clean your glass showers with a damp towel

The simpler method that allows you to clean your shower glass door in less time and effort is your damp towel. 

Your glass shower will be stain-free readily. 

A handful of rice can pacify the harsh odor in the bathroom

A Handful Of Rice Can Pacify The Harsh Odor In The Bathroom
A Handful Of Rice Can Pacify The Harsh Odor In The Bathroom

Rice is used not only in the kitchen but can also remove bad odors in the bathroom. The bathroom sometimes has a different, annoying odor that is strong enough.

Rice will help the odor to be less intense. 

Keep silicone gel in the bathroom which reduces humidity in the bathroom

Steamy hot showers and luxurious bubble baths relax us and turn our bathrooms into daily retreats. However, the very hot and moist conditions that clean and soothe us can lead to mildew, mold, and constant, smelly dampness. 

The use of silicone gel is really useful for this. If you keep packets of silicone gel in your bathroom, you will be free from this problem.


As you can see, all of the above tips are easy to use and will help you keep your bathroom clean. If you want to keep the tiles cleaner, you can do as you are told using vinegar and soda solution. 

These were tried and tested, and the effective tips to help you get rid of oily floors and humid bathrooms in less time and with less efforts.

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