We’re all living in a world that is moving forward with the speed of light. In this article, we shall explore life hacks for kids that would help them and their guardians, catch the pace!
It’s fun and refreshing to have kids around. Their energy, their giggles, and play never fails to lift our mood. On some days, however, taking care of kids and their tasks can be seriously challenging for the guardians. With less space, lesser time, and a ton of tasks we would always need options ready for the eleventh hour. We’ve brought 5 super cool and interesting life hacks for kids and the guardians that would make life easy.
1. Turn that waste cardboard box into a pencil holder!

Were you about to throw away that cookie box because you no longer need it, and the space that it consumes is so annoying? Hold on. What if you could turn it into a pencil holder with few easy steps? Cut the lid off with a pair of scissors. Wrap the outer of the box with a gift-paper (a newspaper would look cool too!)
And there you go! You have your ‘best out of waste’ pencil holder ready. You can also stick on fun stickers to make them look attractive. It would not only hold pencils, but all the stationery items scattered on the floor, and keep it together, and easy to find. Now you don’t have to waste time looking for one when your kid needs it! You can also ask your kid to craft the whole piece. What a fun session on experiential learning, isn’t it?
2. Use cooked rice as glue

You want to stick the envelope and cannot find the glue? Or did you find it all dried? Does your kid have that page torn from the school book, and you need it to stick right in, else it would get misplaced? Relax, as this hack would save you from all the stress. All you need is cooked rice. Take some in a spoon (better hot), and spread it where you want to stick the paper. Now place what you want to stick well over it, and press hard. Let it dry, and yay! It’s stuck already. Organic, easy, and useful, isn’t it?
3. Guard the corners

You might have to keep a constant eye on your kid as it runs around in your home, for if it accidentally bangs on those sharp corners of the table or any furnishing units, your child would be terribly hurt. It might also result in painful stitches. Well, you don’t have to worry and do the constant supervision anymore! Get the corner edge guards, and fix them on the dangerous edges and corners of your space. It’s easy, inexpensive, and totally instant!
4. Make fruits fun!

Children tend to get tempted more towards stuff that’s delicious, but unhealthy at the same time. Healthy fruits and foods however end up being last on their list. As guardians, it becomes challenging to ensure that your kid has it. Here’s a happy hack for you and your kid. Cut the fruit into slices/pieces. Put a Popsicle stick (if the slice is big), or a Toothpick (if the piece is small) into each slice. Hand it to your child, and watch it enjoying this sweet and healthy fruit candy. You can also sprinkle some sugar and salt over it to make it tastier.
5. Labelling is one of the life hacks for kids

Having so much stuff around can often make ‘what’s where’ hard to remember! Labeling can therefore be one of the life hacks for kids. You can simply label things. You can label the baskets, drawers, and jars that you’ve kept in your kitchen. This will not only help you find things but also help your kid in finding them for themselves. Thus making them less dependent on you for finding the smallest of things!
Creativity can become a way of life. It’s not just about art and craft, but also about how creative you are in finding solutions! We hope you find these simple and easy life hacks for kids useful!