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Ingenious Life Hacks For Kids – Ideas That Will Make Them Rock

Being a child is not as easy as you may think. Managing school, homework, friends, projects, play time and more especially through months of lockdown can be very stressful for the otherwise spirited four-footers.  If you have seen signs of […]

Being a child is not as easy as you may think. Managing school, homework, friends, projects, play time and more especially through months of lockdown can be very stressful for the otherwise spirited four-footers. 

If you have seen signs of stress in your children lately, it may be time to divert their energy towards learning and implementing ingenious life hacks for kids that can keep them productive, orderly and engaged for hours.

Cool Life Hacks for Kids: Denim Pocket School Supply Organizer 

Denim Pocket School Supply
Denim Pocket School Supply

If you have old denims needlessly occupying your cupboard space, ‘Now’ is the time to put them to productive use!

What You Need – Old pair of denims, Scissors, Two embroidery hoops, Paint of your choice, Ribbons

What You Do – Paint the outer hoop with vibrant colors of your choice. Cut out the denim pockets in a large circle and place it on top of the inner hoop. Make sure the pocket is in the center of the hoop. Now press in the outer hoop on top of the inner hoop to secure the fabric nice and tight. Once secured, trim the excess fabric from the inner edges. 

You can make a simple loop with ribbons of your choice to hang the organizer from a convenient spot in your room. 

Make as many pocket organizers as you please to keep your pens, pencils, color pencils, marker pens, scissors etc. where you can find them.

Plastic Toy Animal Wall Hooks: Innovative Life Hacks For Kids Reusing Old Toys 

Plastic Toy Animal Wall Hooks
Plastic Toy Animal Wall Hooks

If you have a set of toy animals sulking in the toy box for months or even years, it is time to give them a new life as your innovative room organization solution.

What you Need – Toy animal, Rectangular Wooden Board (1:4 breadth : length), Craft Hacksaw and Craft Glue, Acrylic Paint (optional)

What You Do – Place the Wooden board on your craft table and paint it with the color of your choice. This is optional for those that like original wooden finish. Now cut your chosen plastic toy animals to from the midsection with the craft hacksaw. If you are under 11 years, please make sure you do this under your parent’s supervision. 

Now, use a generous amount of craft glue on the cut edge of the toy animal and fixt it on the wooden board. Repeat the process with the rest of the toy animals. Let the glue dry out completely.

The next step is where you secure the board on the wall and thus, your parents need to step in again. Once secured on the wall, your fun toy animal wall hook is ready for use.

Life Hacks for Kids New Ideas with Old Coffee Cans: Coffee Can Piggy Bank

Coffee Can Piggy Bank
Coffee Can Piggy Bank

Wish to save a few pennies from your allowance and get rich while the lockdown lasts? An old coffee can with a plastic cover and some creativity is all you need.

What You Need – Coffee can with a plastic lid, Acrylic paint, Craft knife

What You Do – Take your coffee can and paint it with acrylic colors of your choice. Let it dry. Paint the plastic lid as well. You can get creative and make shapes and designs like polka dots, little triangles, dollars, stars etc. to make the appearance even more stunning. Once dry, cut out a slim rectangular shape on the plastic lid with a craft knife. Your coin bank is ready!

Final Thoughts

While these ideas can be a good start to motivating your kids to keep their room tidy, organize their school supplies and save some money, you can find a treasure trove of such creative life hacks in top infotainment channels like Life Hacks for Kids, Sunny Keller. 

These popular and rather gifted YouTube personalities are sure to help push the creative pedals of your kids to new horizons. 

life hacks
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