You feel awful when there is a stain on your favorite piece of clothing, isn’t it? The good news is; you can remove all the stains from your clothes including oil stains with simple laundry hacks.
Oil stains are one of those strains that you don’t think about until it’s too late. Present in salad dressing, food, skincare products and even makeup, oil and all oil-based products can leave a nasty stain on your clothes, furniture and fabric if left untreated.
Luckily, there are some stain-removal methods that work against oil, so don’t declare your favourite cloth ruined just yet.
Laundry life hacks can make your life much easier, so let us check out some finest laundry room hacks:-
Work foam with soap

You need to cover the area of oil stain with soap liquid or foam. Remember only the area and not the whole garment. Mix part of liquid detergent soap with a part of shampoo and leave it for some time. Then wash it with cold water, and you’ll notice the stain is lighter.
Use vinegar rinse

Vinegar is a strong cleaning agent. It can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner for oil stains on clothes. Vinegar is the best laundry life hack you can use. After you wash your piece of clothing with water, follow a vinegar rinse process. For this, you’ll need a part of vinegar with two parts of water. Soak your fabric for a while, then rinse it off with water.
Use soda bicarb

Soda bicarb is also a great cleaning agent that helps to remove oil stains from clothes. Mix a part of bicarb soda with one part of water. Apply it to the oil stain on clothes. Allow this area to dry up and brush off the bicarb soda. Spray with laundry spray remover, or you can wash it off with cold water.
Use a grease removal washing detergent

There are many grease removal detergents available in the market today. Apply the detergent to the oil stains and leave it for a while. Now, scrub the affected area with a toothbrush until you notice that the stain is lifting. Now, wash the cloth with normal water. You can use this hack on colorfast fabrics.
Use tissue paper

Tissue paper can soak much of an oil spill. So, when you drop oil, soak the area with tissue paper for a while. Then wash it off with your detergent or in a clothes spinner. You’ll notice that the oil stain is lighter or gone.
Final words

Removing oil stains is simple with the above hacks. You need to follow a particular method depending on your fabric. Do try these hacks the next time you spill oil on clothes.
While the oil stain removal methods listed here are tried and tested tricks, there is no guarantee that they will offer you the result you want. It all depends on the type of oil stain and how quickly you treat it. If it’s a delicate fabric then just taking it to the dry cleaners is your best bet to completely remove the stain without further damaging any garment. So, please do contact us if you are looking for any kind of help in order to remove grease/oil stains from your garments.