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Oven Cleaning Hacks – Clean Your Badly Stained Oven With Ease!

Cleaning the oven might not be as simple and fast as preparing meals inside it. Don’t you worry, for we’ve got you covered with these super-easy oven cleaning hacks that will make your oven cleaner and shinier than ever! Most […]

Cleaning the oven might not be as simple and fast as preparing meals inside it. Don’t you worry, for we’ve got you covered with these super-easy oven cleaning hacks that will make your oven cleaner and shinier than ever!

Most often we tend to overlook the fact that kitchen appliances need maintenance. This not only extends the life of your product but also increases its usability. We’re sure you must have made a sequence of recipes in your oven, but did you take a glance behind that door of delicacies? Well, better late than never.

Oven Cleaning Hacks – Lemon steam

Oven_Cleaning_Hacks - Lemon_steam
Lemon Steam

Giving your microwave good lemon steam is one of the easiest oven cleaning hacks to get rid of stains. All you need is a lemon. Squeeze the lemon into a microwave-safe bowl, and add half a cup of water into it. Now heat this bowl in the oven for about 5 to 7 minutes. The steam generated loosens the hard stains, making them easy to remove. The bleaching and oxidising properties of lemons also clean the oil spill mark and leaves a fresh fragrance behind. Once done, you can wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth. And there you have it, a clean, shiny, and fragrant oven.

Baking Soda Scrub

This one’s truly effective if you have skipped cleaning your oven for an embarrassingly long time. Take a bowl of water in an oven-safe bowl. Add half a cup of baking soda into it. Mix well until it fizzes. Pour some onto the scrub, and rub it over the stained insides of your oven. Leave it for 2 to 4 hours. Now dip your scrub into plain water, and scrub. You must be seeing the result already.

Liquid kitchen cleanser

Liquid Kitchen Cleanser

You might have the Liquid kitchen cleaner that you use to clean your kitchen platform or the sink. Well, it does its magic for the oven as well. Take some of it in a spraying bottle, and add water into it. Shake the bottle well. Spray it on the walls of your oven (even the outer walls, since it wouldn’t harm the coating). Leave it on for not more than 15 minutes because it may become sticky, further adding to your task. Now scrub, and wipe it with a soft wet (not dripping wet) cloth.

Other oven cleaning hacks – extra byte!

Use a toothbrush to scrub the corners inside the oven. It helps you get a grip while scrubbing the stains.
Clean the rack and the plate with a normal detergent, possibly every time you use it.

Cleaning the oven regularly will save you from all the mess! It is important in terms of maintenance, as well as hygiene. We’re sure these oven cleaning hacks would be of great help to you. The cleaner, the better! )

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