Technology has made our lives so easy and time-saving that it is almost impossible to survive without any technological appliances in our lives. There are end numbers of tech hacks available these days that will simplify our lives and make it easier to live.
In this article, we’ll discuss brilliant tech hacks even dummies can learn in an hour. Keep reading to know more about it:
Download YouTube videos

There are so many things that you love watching on YouTube but unsure how to download them. Here is the coolest way to download a video on YouTube is to type that will take you directly to, and you’ll be able to download your video.
How to retrieve a password

If you disremembered your password and looking for a meeker way to retrieve it, if you keep your password as remember, then click right on the password part, then click on the inspect element. The code will appear for the webpage, and an input type tag will be highlighted. You’ll just have to write text in place of a password, and you’ll be able to see your login password.
To avoid reading long articles

If you have long articles to check for grammar or spelling mistakes and you are not willing to read them, you can simply open google translator and paste your article there, and it will read the article aloud for you, and you’ll be able to find if there are any mistakes.
The keyboard helps in scrolling webpage

If you have long articles to read and you are looking for a technology hack you can use the keyboard to scroll down and up using a keyboard. You can use the spacebar to scroll down and shift + spacebar to scroll up.
Converting pdf to any other format

It is one of the amazing tech hacks through which you can change pdf to any other format like word, JPG, Excel, etc. at
Shortcut keys to use while playing YouTube

There are a few shortcut keys you can use while playing your YouTube video. Those keys are key K to play or pause, L to forward 10 seconds, J to rewind 10 seconds, M to mute, F to put it full screen, up and down arrows to high or low volume, and the home key to get back to start of the video.
Make a typeface of your handwriting
You can convert your handwriting into a typeface using a website called, and then it can be used worldwide. It is the easiest tech hack for converting your handwriting to a font.
Re-open the page accidentally closed

There are times when we accidentally close our page we are working on; you can easily re-open that page by pressing control + shift + t on windows and command + shift + t on Mac.
Google can help you study
If you have exams and you don’t know which source to study from, here is a tip that will help you study of an unlimited sample of exams and its solutions. Simply google “site:edu [subject] exam”.
Change the lower case to upper case

When you have some text in Microsoft Word, and you want the complete change the complete text from lower case to the upper case just select the text and press shift + F3. It will change the entire selected text to upper case.
These are the 10 brilliant tech hacks even dummies can learn in an hour. These technology hacks are easy to learn and adapt in your daily life. Simply learn all of these today.