Are you planning a trip in the wild? If you’re heading to forest camping, then you should know about forest survival hacks. You heard that right, if you are stuck in an unimaginable situation in the middle of the wild forest, you should know your way out. Forest survival life hacks can truly save the day for you.
Forest Survival Hacks & Tips To Make Your Life Easier In The Wild:-
Make a bootlace bow drill
You will need a cord to build a friction fire set. Remove the lace from your shoes and twist it half until it resembles a rope. Now, tie this to your bow for your fire drill activity. You can pre-game this and get ready before the actual adventure. You can also melt the ends with a lighter and cut them when necessary.
Hack your fire

In the middle of the night, if you need to light the fire and you run out of supplies, don’t worry. You may have your food supply ready. You can use greasy and oily snacking chips as a fire starter. Use the potato chips, corn chips, or fritters and lit it with a matchstick. Your fire will get ignited and will provide you with much-needed relief. But this is for a small fire option. You will need woods for a bigger fire.
Smoke for repellents
This can act as a DIY survival hack in the wild. Use the smoke of smoldering materials as a natural bug repellent. For this, you can collect the brown seed head and light at one end. Do it without flaming up completely if you want positive results.
Signal for help

If you have anything that is reflective like a glass or a mirror, it can come into play as a visual distress signal. When you move it up and down, make sure that it targets the light and does the job. When you see the target keep on signaling.
Find Your Way Out
Improvise the compass and that would make a huge difference in navigating your way out of the wilderness emergency. A metal item like a needle can also act like a compass needle when it is magnetized and suspended to allow a free movement that is not affected by the wind or any kind of other forces. Magnetize a needle by just rubbing the eye of the needle one hundred times against the hair, silk or fur. Lay that needle on a leaf that can float in easily water. If no wind is allowed to hit the leaf, the needle should easily pull the floating leaf to orient itself on a North-South alignment.
Charcoal use

Use charcoal and make your way out to the jungle. It can help to leave a trail that will guide you along the way. It is one of the best jungle survival hacks.
To Sum up,
Go ahead and enjoy your jungle trip. The above survival hacks can be quite handy for you.