Minecraft is a game full of possibilities. Even though you have been playing Minecraft for several years, there are still many paths to explore and tricks to learn.
Generally, most of the hacks are based on the quirks of the physics engine. Here in this article, we present you five ultimate Minecraft Hacks & Tricks that only a very few people know. Use these hacks to not only make the game look good, but also gain a lot of edge in your game!
Minecraft Hacks & Tricks People Should Know About
Using Command Blocks

Command blocks in essence are programmable blocks whose actions are triggered when powered by a Redstone source material. Casual players have the least chance of getting to them because they are very much hidden and only could be accessible through inputting certain commands in the create mode or the multiplayer mode. You can access this in Single-player mode through cheats.
To get a command block, you need to clear out your inventory, open the chat box and type, “give <username> commandblock” and hit enter. Now you would be able to place command just like any other block and after right-clicking it, you can access the console where you need to give the commands.
Add a Custom HUD
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could add a custom HUD element showing your mana or any other information? The process we explain now might not add a strictly new “HUD element”, but the effect is very close. This was actually described by SimplySarc in two different ways.
The old way consists of replacing a first-person thing you can hold with a hud element, which has the obvious disadvantage of not sticking to the screen. In the second method, the items in the Hotbar are warped, scaled and morphed to produce the effect of consistent HUD that displays ammo, thirst or any other metric!
Get unlimited water

With a bucket, hole in the ground and an already existing water source, you can create a water source that never depletes. First, you need to dig a hole three blocks long and have a depth of one block. Now, grab the water from the water source and pour it first into the left and right corners of the hole you dug and then pour it centre.
It may seem boring, but there are a lot of uses associated with it — an important one of them is to make potions. Potions are a lot useful in the game and with an infinite water source, you would never run out of a vital ingredient!
Walkthrough the walls

The trick we are about to describe might not be strictly “walking” through the door, but the result is the same. This is yet another physics-based trick. This works as follows: take a boat and place it near the wall you want to pass and push it gently so that some part of the boat is inside the wall. Then, enter the boat and quickly exit. As players would always exit at the front part of the boat, you will find yourself at the other end of the wall!
Trick Enderman

You know Enderman, who wanders and moves blocks seemingly without purpose and attacks you when you make slight eye contact with them. By just equipping a pumpkin as head armour, you can become invisible to the Enderman!
The way this trick works is that by keeping a pumpkin as your head, the player’s viewpoint would be restricted to the eyeholes of the armour and the Enderman could not detect it.
Those cover our top 5 ultimate Minecraft hacks and tricks. There are surely plenty of others waiting for you to try!