When you talk about hacks, especially beauty hacks are meant to make your life easier in many ways. All of us keep looking for beauty hacks that can give us a permanent solution. A permanent skin solution beauty hack, a permanent hair removal beauty hack, a permanent solution for healthy nails, etc. If we get any of these and if that suits our skin, hair, nails, and body, then nothing is better than that. Today, we are going to share some tried and tested hacks to remove hair permanently. Though permanent hair removal means hair that won’t get trim but will get removed from its roots. Here are the hacks your need to try in your life today to remove your hair permanently.
5 Hacks To Remove Hair Permanently:

Using a Pumice Stone for Hair Removal
One can naturally remove hair by using a Pumice stone at home. The rough texture of pumice stone is one thing that is great at catching your hair and removing them from your skin. One needs to make sure that they have almost complete growth if they want to use a pumice stone to remove hair. The best point of using pumice stone is, it is a 100% natural hair removal remedy.
How to use it
One should try it at home with a small portion. Just make sure your skin is clean and dry. Start using a pumice stone in a circular motion. This will collect hair at one place which will become easier for you to pull them out. After you remove hair, one should make sure that they moisturize their skin afterward, as the pumice stone may leave your skin dry and patchy because of its rough texture.

Egg white and cornflour for hair Removal
It is one very useful way to remove hair. It is very nutritious for your skin and the best part is it very inexpensive too.
How to use it Egg white and cornflour
One should take one egg white, one spoon of sugar and a half spoon of cornflour. Mix it well and make it a paste. Apply the mixture on the areas where you have hair and just peel the paste off once it is dry. It will remove the unwanted hair and impurities from the area where you have applied this paste and will give you healthy-looking skin.

Remove Hair Using papaya paste
Papaya will not remove hair overnight, it will give a long-term solution. This paste will weaken hair follicles and will remove hair eventually and will prevent regrowth.
How to use it papaya paste
One should take two spoons of mashed raw papaya and add a half tablespoon of turmeric powder to it. Mix both things well and make it a paste.
Rub the paste softly and massage the mixture on the area you want to remove hair from. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off the water. One should repeat this thing two to three times a week to see a reduction in hair growth.

Hair Removal Using turmeric
This remedy will remove unwanted facial hair and it very easy to do. This will make your skin texture bright and healthy too. It should be used daily and you can reduce hair growth over time.
How to use it Turmeric for hair removal
One should mix three spoons of turmeric powder and add one
spoon milk to it. Mix it well and make it a paste. Apply the paste on your face, just make sure to apply the paste in the same direction as your hair growth. Leave it for about 20 minutes until it is dry. After that take a small amount of water in your hands, wet the paste on your face and scrub the paste in the circular motion. Wash your face with lukewarm water.

Using potatoes and lentils for removing hair
The paste of potato and lentils will help in hair removal and potato also helps in bleaching your hair.
How to use it potatoes and lentils
Take five spoons of potato juice, add a spoon of honey and lemon
to it and then add overnight soaked lentils to make a paste. Apply the paste on the area you want to remove hair from and wash it off when it is completely dry.
Benefits of using hair Removal Hacks:
- These hacks will help you remove hair at home.
- These are very inexpensive ways to remove hair.
- One can get healthy skin too after using these hair removal hacks.
Try and use these hacks at home to remove unwanted hair and you
will see the difference in the growth of hair. Try these hacks today and enjoy the smooth and soft skin.
Good Luck!